8 – 12 Gilmore Street, Yarrawonga
Office Hours:  8.30am – 4.30pm
PO Box 39, Yarrawonga  VIC 3730
Ph: 03 5744 1751email

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Bicycle Education Program

At Yarrawonga College the Bike Ed program is offered to the Year 3 and 4 students.

What Is Bike Ed?

Bike Ed is a Vic Roads approved resource of Traffic Safety Education. It was first introduced in 1996 for the Federal Office of Road Safety for primary schools. Bike Ed fits well into the Physical, Personal and Social Learning Strand at Levels 3 and 4 and in particular the Health and Physical Education Domain.

The program includes classroom based and practical riding activities, but needs the support of parents/carers to be successful.

What is the aim of our Bike Ed program?

  1. Increase rider competency
  2. Improve rider confidence
  3. Promote safe strategies for riding in traffic
  4. Familiarise children with relevant road laws
  5. Provide safe methods to negotiate common traffic situations

Parents/carers can also support their children’s learning in Bike Ed by providing opportunities to practice skills developed during the program.

Bicycles are an environmentally friendly, efficient and healthy way to travel.  Cycling regularly is also a great way to keep fit and improve health for children and the whole family.

Before the age of 12 years children should not ride a bicycle on the road without adult supervision.  To develop these skills children need lots of help and practice under the supervision of an adult.

For further information on this invaluable program please contact our Physical Education Specialist Teacher Mrs Carolyn Willett  at yarrawonga.tom@edumail.vic.gov.au or 5744 3104.