8 – 12 Gilmore Street, Yarrawonga
Office Hours:  8.30am – 4.30pm
PO Box 39, Yarrawonga  VIC 3730
Ph: 03 5744 1751email

Community Workshop

The Community Workshop Program (designed by students from Prep to Year 8) is delivered in a way that children can work on projects individually or in groups. Volunteers come into our school and share their skills and expertise with the children. We proudly boast a contingent of more than 40 volunteers who come into our school on a regular basis and support the children with their chosen project

Some workshop activities offered are – Artist workshops, mosaics, model building and dioramas, chess, designing skateboard art and mini skateboard parks, flying remote control aeroplanes, woodwork (dolls houses, bird boxes, trays, fishing trailers, wooden toys, spice racks, pencil holders, toy boxes etc), string art, beading, paper mache’, dot art, aboriginal art, sculpture, kites, fishing, art and craft, weaving, knitting, card making, Creative Production Acting Performance (social stories).

Chess Club

Students can attend Chess Club every Monday at recess at our P-4 and 5-8 Campus and also have the opportunity to attend a one hour tuition program each week within class time.

Yarrawonga College recognises the benefits of Chess. It helps children to focus, analyse and plan strategies, which in turn helps support a healthy and active mind. At Yarrawonga College P-12 Chess is an important tool to engage, encourage attitude towards sportsmanship and promote healthy competition between different schools and members of the community. Students as young as Prep participate in our Chess Program.