8 – 12 Gilmore Street, Yarrawonga
Office Hours:  8.30am – 4.30pm
PO Box 39, Yarrawonga  VIC 3730
Ph: 03 5744 1751email

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What is a coronavirus and COVID-19?

Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses known to cause respiratory infections. These can range from the common cold to more serious diseases such as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS). This new coronavirus originated in Hubei Province, China and the disease caused by the virus is named COVID-19.

To view/download our current FAQs document please click here  

Further updates will be available once they come to hand.  This fact sheet was presented to us as at 16 March 2020.

Informing Parents

Our College Principal, Damien Keel has forwarded a letter to all parents about the role our school is undertaking to ensure the health and safety of our school community.

For the latest letter from our College Principal to all families please click here click here