8 – 12 Gilmore Street, Yarrawonga
Office Hours:  8.30am – 4.30pm
PO Box 39, Yarrawonga  VIC 3730
Ph: 03 5744 1751email

Our Facilities

The facilities and grounds are of a quality standard, and are constantly being upgraded.

All classrooms are heated and air-conditioned, providing an excellent physical learning environment for students.

Students can also access Victoria park for structured sporting activities.

Years Prep-4 Campus

The facilities and grounds are of a quality standard, and are constantly being upgraded. All classrooms are well-lit, heated and air-conditioned, providing an excellent physical learning environment for students. Specialist facilities include:

  • a well-stocked Library including computer based information available for student research via internet, CD Rom and multi-media
  • a school-wide wireless network including a computer laboratory, with computer facilities available in all classrooms. All classrooms are fitted with interactive whiteboards whiteboard
  • constant upgrading of technology facilities, programs and hardware to keep up with our rapidly advancing technological society
  • a large Multi-Purpose facility that is used for school assemblies, Physical Education, Visiting Artists and Theatre Produtions and Outside School Hours Care and a relief area in extreme weather conditions
  • an Art Room which caters for children Prep – 4
  • a canteen that offers a wide range of healthy food and drink choices, compatible with the Government’s healthy eating recommendations, and an undercover eating area
  • a modern Sun Smart playground together with a new garden and upgraded play equipment to make for a more pleasant school environment
  • a school oval, outdoor basketball and netball courts, cricket nets and passive areas. Community facilities are available to the school as required We have developed a school environment that is safe and stimulating for all students.

Years 5 – 8 Campus

Specialist facilities include:

•  a well-stocked Library with computer based information and record keeping.
•  a College-wide wireless network including 92 laptops, with broad student and staff access to multi-media and the Internet.
•  interactive whiteboards and/or projectors in all class rooms as well as two portable interactive whiteboards.
•  the constant upgrade of technological facilities, programs and hardware to keep up with the needs of society.
•  new garden and outdoor development to make a more pleasant school environment.
•  football oval, outdoor and undercover basketball/netballl court, play equipment and other playing fields for PE and lunchtime access.

Students can also access Victoria park for structured sporting activities.

Located across the road on the 9-12 Campus, the 5-8 Campus students access specialist areas including Art, Drama, Music, an indoor gymnasium, Science laboratories, Metal Work, Wood Work, Textiles, Home Economics and the College canteen.

Years 9 – 12 Campus

Specialist facilities include:

Well-stocked Library with computer based information and record keeping plus an expanding computer suite for student research with Internet and CD-R/multi-media access.

  • College-wide wireless network including one dedicated computer laboratory, with broad student and staff access to multi-media and the Internet.
  • One to one laptop program for all students in Years 9 – 12.
  • Interactive whiteboards and/or projectors in most class rooms.
  • The constant upgrade of technological facilities, programs and hardware to keep up with the needs of society.
  • High definition video-conferencing facilities.
  • Purpose built medical facility for the Doctors in Secondary Schools Program with a GP and Nurse on-site once a week.
  • An Education Community Activity (ECA) Centre containing a full-sized gymnasium with circuit/weight training facilities.
  • Technical Trade Centre for Woodwork, Metalwork, Engineering and Building and Construction.
  • High-tech engineering area with fully computerised lathes and milling machines, with the latest welding equipment available.
  • The most up to date building and construction equipment.
  • A commercial kitchen for VET Hospitality certification.
  • Refurbished Science Laboratories.
  • Art, graphics, textiles and ceramics studios.
  • Performing Arts, Media and Music rooms with the latest digital and musical equipment.
  • Canteen/café and undercover eating area.
  • Senior Study Centre with laptop facilities in a young adult environment and an outdoor auditorium.
  • New garden and outdoor development to make a more pleasant school environment.
  • Full sized oval, three tennis courts, outdoor basketball court, full-sized gymnasium and other playing fields for PE and lunchtime access.  Students can also access Victoria park for structured sporting activities.