8 – 12 Gilmore Street, Yarrawonga
Office Hours:  8.30am – 4.30pm
PO Box 39, Yarrawonga  VIC 3730
Ph: 03 5744 1751email

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FAQs – Transition to School

Frequently Asked Questions – Transition to On-Site Learning in Term 4

When can my child return to school?

· Prep to Year 6 – Thursday 8th October

· Year 7-12 – Monday 12th October

Why can’t my Primary School Aged Child attend School until Thursday 8th October when other children go back to Primary School on the 5th of October?

Stand-alone Primary Schools in Regional Victoria are open from Monday 5th October.

This is a Department of Education Victoria directive, stand-alone Primary Schools can open because they don’t pose a risk to other Secondary Students. If one Secondary School has to close because of a positive case of Coronavirus the GAT cannot occur. This would put the opportunity for Secondary students to finish in 2020 at significant risk. The situation is the same for all P-12 schools.

Why can’t my child in Year 7-10 attend school in the first week of Term 4?

This is a Department of Education Victoria directive, no Secondary School across the state is permitted to have students on-site for on-site learning until Monday 12th October, including P-12’s.

What will my children who aren’t attending school do?

If your child hasn’t started on-site learning at school for Term 4 they will be learning from home.

If I keep all of my children home when they have started on-site learning will the school continue to provide remote and flexible learning for all of them?

If students are expected to be at school and parents choose to keep them home, remote and flexible learning will not be provided for these students.

Will my child be following social distancing rules whilst at school?

Advice from the Victorian Chief Medical officer states students do not need to follow social distancing rules at school. The college will manage this by ensuring there aren’t any large unnecessary gatherings of students, eg; assemblies, classes doubling up, etc.

What should I do if my child isn’t well?

If students are unwell they will need to stay at home and it is recommended that they are tested for the Coronavirus. If a teacher recognises that a student is unwell, parents will be contacted to pick their child up from school. Once tested the student must remain at home until the results are received.

Will there be precautionary measures in place to protect my child?

· Extra cleaning of high use/high touch areas will occur for all of Term 4.

· Playgrounds will be cleaned throughout the day with disinfectant.

· Students and staff will be reminded to regularly wash hands in the correct way.

· Recommended hand sanitiser will be located at all classrooms.

· Teachers will as much as possible make sure students use their own pencils/learning materials.

· Students are not to share food/drinks/snacks.

· All bubblers/drink fountains will not be in use – students will need to bring along a drink bottle and we will provide safe refilling taps.

As a parent/caregiver can I socialise in the car park/kiss and drop or inside the school grounds?

According to the Chief Medical Officer, the main reason we have been remote and flexible learning is not just directly related to student contact, it is mainly about adults moving around and spreading the virus. Please keep your distance wherever possible.

Parents need to remain in their vehicles wherever possible, if leaving your vehicle ensure that the 1.5 metre social distancing rule is applied and that you are wearing a face mask.

What if I need to collect my child or see the classroom teacher?

The Department of Education and Training advice is to minimise parents and non – essential visitors onsite.

If a parent needs to come on site they should call the office (57441751) to arrange an appointment or a return phone call from the appropriate staff member.

Can I order lunch or send my child with money to purchase something to eat?

Canteens across the college will not re-open until Monday 12th October.

Is the Big Breakfast at Pinniger St. or the Breakfast Program continuing to run?

Big Breakfast and Gilmore St. Breakfast Program will not start up until further advice.

Will my child be able to access Outside School Hours Care at the P-4 Campus?

Outside of School Hours Care will be re-opening in Week 2 of Term 4, (from Monday 12th October). Students that have to attend school in week 1 can attend OSHC.

Will school look like this for the rest of this year?

As advice from the Victorian Chief Medical officer changes regarding the safe operation of schools the department would change their approach to relax practices further.

Are all schools operating the same way?

All schools in Victoria receive the same directions from the Victorian State Government and we are all required to follow those directions.

Will all Campuses across the College have the same rules?

Some rules may differ slightly between campuses due to the age and maturity of the students, an example follows;

Students in P-6 don’t need to wear a face mask at school, students in Year 7-12 do need to wear a face mask at school.

Will Playgroup operate in Term 4?

At this stage, Playgroup is unable to operate because we are not allowed to bring adults onto the site. If restrictions change, we will offer the program immediately.

What if I’m worried that my child has missed out on some learning?

You can be confident that our school will support any student who has fallen behind to catch up. Work has already begun in the early years with the goal of filling any learning gaps.

Where can I get more information about schools in Victoria?
