8 – 12 Gilmore Street, Yarrawonga
Office Hours:  8.30am – 4.30pm
PO Box 39, Yarrawonga  VIC 3730
Ph: 03 5744 1751email

Students leading within

Yarrawonga College P-12 aims to provide quality opportunities for each student to develop a range of leadership capabilities. Leadership programs cultivate self-reliance, confidence, self-esteem, appreciation for lifelong learning, creativity, conflict resolution, communication and team building skills – all extremely important skills and abilities for our students……our future leaders.

School Captains and Leaders

At our P-4 Campus there are four school leaders from the Year 4 group elected by their peers each term.   Leaders host our Campus assemblies, assist with a variety of responsibilities and meet with the Campus Principal on a regular basis.

At our 5-8 Campus  two captains and a student leadership team representing each year level are elected each semester. Captains and leaders are responsible for hosting the weekly assembly, meeting and greeting visitors , discussing and solving campus based issues and speaking at various events.   They are also provided with opportunities to participate and attend leadership camps.

At our 9-12 Campus two captains, two vice captains and up to eight prefects are elected to form the Senior Leadership Group (SLG). The SLG meets regularly with the Year 12 Coordinator to discuss student matters and events. The two captains and vice captains host the Annual End of Year Awards Night.

Student Representative Council

Students from Years 2 through to Year 12 can participate in our Student Representative Council. Students are encouraged to work on community fundraising and awareness raising projects (eg Shave 4 a Cure, Keep Australia Beautiful) and meet to discuss improvements that can be made to our school such as gardens, play areas, etc. At the 9 – 12 Campus these students are also responsible for organising the Year 7 – 12 College formal.

Moira Junior Shire Council

The Moira Junior Shire Council is comprised of six students from Years 9 and 10, who come together four times a year with students from all six secondary schools within the Moira Shire, forming a Junior Council.

Year 10 Sports Leaders

Year 10 students who have opted to study the Sport and Recreation Course have the opportunity to nominate to be a Sports Leader. This role entails assisting our P – 4 and 5 – 8 Campus’s plus other schools with their sporting days, as well as the 7-12 sports days as a coach, umpire, team manager or other official. This is a great opportunity to take on a leadership role in the sporting arena.

House Captains and Vice Captains

House Captains and Vice Captains are elected each year from our Senior Years to lead each of the four houses – Hovell, Hume, Mitchell and Sturt – in each of the sporting competitions and carnivals.  Captains and Vice Captains assist the Sports Coordinator in ensuring student entries into events, organising relay teams as well as leading, encouraging and motivating students in their House.

In Year 6 there is there are two House Captains chosen each term.  They assist by promoting to students the importance of attending our carnivals, they may have the opportunity to attend a leadership program and if their house is victorious on the day of the carnival they are presented with the House Shield in front of their peers.

In Year 4 there are two Junior House Captains chosen each term. They manage the House Challenge token counts each term, assist with sporting events and activities and help to support and represent their House.

These carnivals include whole school swimming, athletics and cross country.