8 – 12 Gilmore Street, Yarrawonga
Office Hours:  8.30am – 4.30pm
PO Box 39, Yarrawonga  VIC 3730
Ph: 03 5744 1751email


Dear Prospective Parents,

Thank you for taking the time to explore what our College has to offer your child! We are excited to have you and your family consider joining our YCP-12 College community, who continuously strive to provide quality learning experiences and individualised supports in a caring and nurturing environment.

Growing up in Yarrawonga myself, and attending both Yarrawonga Primary School and Secondary College, I feel incredibly privileged and proud to have re-joined the Yarrawonga College P-12 community again after having working in Principal Class Positions in both Wodonga and Cobram over the past 10 years.

Our College offers an exceptional range of opportunities, strong growth and academic results, and individualised levels of support for our students. We are committed to building positive relationships and working in partnership with our families to support each and every child and to give them every opportunity to flourish and to experience success both academically and socially.

We acknowledge how important choosing the right school for your little one can be, and we hope the information on our Website & Facebook pages provides many of the answers you need and a level of confidence about what Yarrawonga College can offer throughout your child’s schooling journey.

Please feel free to contact the school directly to arrange a meeting or a guided tour through our P-4 Campus. We also have extensive Prep Enrolment packs available to be collected from the front office and a great deal of information available via the links to the left.

Please feel free to contact the school directly to arrange a meeting or a guided tour through our P-4 Campus. We also have extensive Prep Enrolment packs available to be collected from the front office and a great deal of information available via the links to the left and the key points listed below.


Kellie Thorp
P – 4 Campus Principal