9-12 Campus
Contacts for Student Support | Senior School Information | Platforms For Learning | Year 7-12 Class Delivery Methods
Campus Principal Statement – Jo McCarthy
The move to remote and online learning is a challenge for students, teachers and parents as we navigate our way through the COVID-19 pandemic. The continuity of your child’s education is of the utmost importance, particularly those students in their final two years of schooling.
As always, your child’s education is a partnership between home and school and this will now become even more important. Please understand that you will be “home schooling” your child and that you are not expected to be teaching or helping them with their work – this is the job of your child’s teachers
Parents will receive an email at the start of each week from every teacher detailing the content being covered, where or how the student will access the work and clear expectations around what students need to complete and/or submit each session.
Parents can assist by:
Checking in to see what your child has done for each lesson each day
Working with the teacher to ensure that all tasks are completed as per the weekly schedule for each class
Supervising SACs and assessments as required
Making contact with the relevant teacher if you have any questions or concerns or your child needs additional assistance
Making contact with the Year Level Coordinator if your child needs support of any kind – educational, health and wellbeing
Students will:
Receive an email at the start of each week from every teacher detailing the content being covered, where or how the student will access the work and clear expectations around what students need to complete and/or submit each session.
Follow their school timetable for the week
Complete the work for each session as detailed in the weekly summary from each teacher.
Attend any online/Webex classes and participate as required. When your child is in an online class please refer to Video Conferencing Guidelines
Submit any assessments as per the timeline provided
Make contact with your teacher if you need additional assistance or support
Teachers will:
Send a weekly email to parents and students <u>no later than</u> 9am every
Monday morning, detailing the work to be completed for the week, session delivery mode and clear instructions
on how to access the work and/or learning.
Be available to teach and/or assist during the normal lesson times as per the timetable
Correct and provide feedback on submitted tasks in a timely manner
Contact students and parents to follow up and communicate when work is not submitted
Contacts for Student Support
- Year 12 Coordinator – Matt Tregenza, tregenza.matthew.m@edumail.vic.gov.au
- Year 11 Coordinator – Allison Knight, knight.allison.m@edumail.vic.gov.au
- Year 10 Coordinator – Fleur Rhodes, rhodes.fleur.n@edumail.vic.gov.au
- Year 9 Coordinator – Jeremy O’Brien, O’brien.Jeremy.J@edumail.vic.gov.au
- Engagement and Wellbeing – Chris O’Neill, O’neill.Chris.C1@edumail.vic.gov.au
- Pathways Leader – David Rose, rose.david.i@edumail.vic.gov.au
- Student Welfare Coordinator – Karen Rennie, Rennie.Karen.K@edumail.vic.gov.au
- Campus Principal – Jo McCarthy, mccarthy.joanne.j@edumail.vic.gov.au
Senior School Information
- Attendance is an important issue for classes across 9-12 and will continue to be so during remote and online learning. Students are expected to attend all online classes via the video conferencing platform chosen by each teacher. Many classes require students to “log in” via a link in their google classroom – it is important for students to log in every lesson and access the required work, if not meeting via google meet or Webex. Absences will be reported to parents for follow up. Any issues with connectivity need to be communicated to teachers as soon as possible so that we can resolve these immediately.
- Structured workplace learning and work experience for Year 10, 11 and 12 will NOT occur. We will rely on advice from DET as to when students can recommence their work placements.
- Those students studying at TAFE have received an email directly from your TAFE provider advising that all classes are now online. It is important that all students log on to complete the work in their course. Practical components will be run at a later date. If you have any further enquiries please contact David Rose.
- All Year 12 students will be able to complete their VCE or VCAL certificate this year, provided they meet all the learning outcomes and submit all required work to a satisfactory standard.
- VET subjects such as Engineering, Building, Hospitality and Music will be continue completing the theory component of this qualification, with practical components hopefully being completed upon return to school. Again, we are operating under direct advice from DET on this one.
- The GAT will take place in October instead of June. Year 12 Exams will be scheduled for November/December. VCE Exam Timetable can be accessed at this link: https://www.vcaa.vic.edu.au/administration/Key-dates/Pages/VCE-exam-timetable.aspx
Platforms For Learning
- Physical learning materials supplied by individual classes
- Google Classroom
- School email
- Webex Teams
- Microsoft Office 365
- Compass
- Education Perfect
- MathsOnline
- Edrolo (VCE Classes)
- Specific Learning Management Systems for VET subjects
Year 7-12 Class Delivery Methods
Use the linked pdf to check how your(child’s) teacher is going to be delivering remote learning.
Just look up a teacher’s name and check the details for each class.