8 – 12 Gilmore Street, Yarrawonga
Office Hours:  8.30am – 4.30pm
PO Box 39, Yarrawonga  VIC 3730
Ph: 03 5744 1751email

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Dear Parents and Carers

Well, we’ve all made it to the last Friday of Term 3, congratulations on the mammoth task of supporting your child/ren through remote and flexible learning. We still have a few days to go next term for some year levels and another week for others, however we are nearly there. The challenge of the past six months is obvious to all and I don’t want to dwell on the negatives, instead celebrate the creativity and resilience of our community. There has been some amazing work done and I want to thank everyone in our community for working together, we could not have got through this period without everyone remaining united.

Yarrawonga truly is an amazing community and I am very proud of our students, parents, teachers, support staff and everyone involved for making the past six months work for the people we all care about the most, our students.

I have received confirmation from the Department of Education that the first two weeks will be as follows;

From Monday 5 October:

· specialist schools will continue with the current on-site learning.

· Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) and Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) students (including Year 10 students enrolled in VCE or VCAL programs) can attend on-site for the General Achievement Test (GAT) and essential assessments.

· students enrolled in Prep to Grade 6 in standalone primary schools will return to on-site learning from Monday 5 October. Schools have the flexibility to stagger the return of year levels between Monday 5 October and Friday 9 October, depending on local circumstances.

· students enrolled in Prep to Grade 6 and Years 7 to 10 in P-12 schools will continue to learn from home.

From Thursday 8 October:

· students enrolled in Prep to Grade 6 in P-12 schools will return to on-site learning. Schools have the flexibility to stagger the return of year levels from Thursday 8 October to Monday 12 October, depending on local circumstances. (All students in Prep to Year 6 at Yarrawonga College P-12 will resume on-site learning for Term 4 on Thursday 8 October)

From Monday 12 October:

· all school students, including Years 7 to 10 and VCE and VCAL students will return to on-site learning. Schools have the flexibility to stagger the return of Years 7 to 10 from Monday 12 October to Friday 16 October, depending on local circumstances. (All students in Year 7 to Year 12 at Yarrawonga College P-12 will resume on-site learning for Term 4 on Monday 12 October)

If you require further information please refer to our FAQ section and also our Day to Day Breakdown – Transitioning back to onsite learning on our website.

Kind Regards


Damien Keel
College Principal