School Readiness Program
Our School Readiness Program will start on Friday 18 October 2024 at 9am to 10.45am.
This seven week program is available to all intending Prep students enrolling at Yarrawonga College P-12 for 2025. The program is an opportunity for children to attend weekly for two hours on a Friday from 9am – 10.45am am in our Multi-purpose Room with Ms Elisa Hargreaves who is qualified in primary education.
To be eligible for this program you must enrol at Yarrawonga College P – 12 and complete the 2025 SRP Enrolment Form and return to the Administration Office prior to attending this program.
Yarrawonga P-12 College value the milestones each child reaches and recognises the step to formal education is a major milestone in a child’s life. Therefore we aim to make the transition from Pre-school to school as smooth and non-threatening as possible. We have found the best solution is to provide children with as many opportunities to visit the school as possible.
The program follows the pre-school philosophy of play based learning whilst providing experiences and learning opportunities based on the guidelines from the frame work of the Prep level curriculum.
Through the school readiness program we aim to provide an opportunity for children and families to establish early relationships with peers, teaching staff and school environment which includes school values, rules, routine and expectations. We encourage families to attend the program on a weekly basis as the program is designed to build on strengths and knowledge from week to week. The end outcome of the program is for children to know what to expect when they arrive in their first year of school so they transition into their prep year happy, confident and ready to learn.
The program has had an extremely positive impact on children’s readiness for school as has been witnessed by both the teachers and parents.
The program is a free service and is available to all families who are enrolled at Yarrawonga College P-12 for 2025.
We look forward to seeing you and your child at our Campus. If you have any queries prior to commencement please do not hesitate to contact myself
on 5744 1751 or
Mrs Kellie Thorp
Prep – 4 Campus Principal