8 – 12 Gilmore Street, Yarrawonga
Office Hours:  8.30am – 4.30pm
PO Box 39, Yarrawonga  VIC 3730
Ph: 03 5744 1751email

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Specialist Programs

Our well structured Physical Education program is based on Vic Curriculum, ACHPER and School Sport Victoria best practise.

It is delivered Prep – 6 in a consistent structure of individual skill development, collaborative team skills and expected fine sportsmanship.

We endeavour to incorporate visiting specialist programs and individuals to complement our current focuses in PE and sport.

Because of our increasing numbers our PE/Sports coordinator now leads a number of other staff who facilitate our PE and Sport programs.

Each year we welcome Skillzone, Educational Sports Carnivals and Coach Approach to our college to run special programs with expert coaching staff. We apply each term for Sporting Schools funding from the government.  We have been successful most terms in acquiring it to subsidise some of these additional programs.

We involve our school community in active fund raising events like Jump Rope for Heart each year.

We continue to have relationships with National and State Organizations and Associations who visit us to deliver clinics or who offer expertise and programs for our PE teacher to be involved with.

We were one of the pilot schools for Cricket Victoria’s Mascot Challenge and our PE teacher continues to be an ambassador for Cricket Victoria.  Our Primary School PE teacher received the runner up State “A Sport for All” award for Ambassador of the Year in 2019.

We offer Junior Cricket Victoria programs each year and hold Kanga 8s carnivals for our 3/4s and 5/6s.

Also as an ambassador for AFL, our PE teacher facilitates visits and programs for football. We have annual visits from AFL clubs.

We have a strong soccer community and we welcome coaches in each year to run junior clinics.

Our 5/6s are offered opportunities to play competition netball, AFL, soccer and tball in the School Sport Victoria division championships and in our annual Lightning Premiership against the Shepparton District, Our netballers also have the opportunity to compete in the Victorian Schoolgirl championships.

As an accredited Hotshot Partnership School we have offered this program since its inception, starting as a pilot school.  Our PE teacher was the guest speaker at the Australian Open Teacher’s conference in 2015/16 making a presentation about our school program.  At our new p-4 campus we have purpose built hotshot synthetic grass courts.  In 2017 we were visited by Todd Woodbridge who is the National Hotshot Ambassador.

Our Bike Ed program is delivered by our accredited PE teacher to the year 3/4s each year.  We finish this program with a bike hike and have added windsurfing and paddle boarding into this adventure day at our Lake Mulwala to complement our program.

We have had Bluearth – PE Pulse and instructors in our school for a number of years. This program which focuses on the Wholistic wellbeing of students and teachers complements our PE and Mindfulness Programs and our teachers are able to access the resources of this program.

We have strong ties with our community sporting clubs including the Yarrawonga tennis, junior football, netball, swimming, basketball, table tennis, bowls and cricket clubs.  We use their expertise and facilities to support our programs.

We promote our school Physical Education motto to “Promote participation, Celebrate competition”

Active kids are healthy kids!