Team Spirit
Sport and Outdoor Education
Students in the primary years are engaged in a developmentally appropriate Physical Education Program run by a Specialist Physical Education teacher for one hour each week. The programs are designed to ensure that all children can enjoy a challenge and experience success.
Our motto ‘Recognising Participation and Celebrating Achievement‘ is our way of ‘raising the bar’ and asking our students not just to participate but to compete.
Sporting Carnivals
The College holds annual Swimming and Athletics Carnivals for our Years 3 – 6 students and Years 7 – 12 Students. Our Cross Country Carnival are a College wide event where both Scared Heart College and our Yarrawonga College P – 12 join together to compete, creating a real sense of community and competitive spirit. All students are allocated to a College House upon their enrolment. These carnivals allow students to compete within their College House and strive to be the overall winners of the respective Shield.
All students are expected to attend these carnivals, even if they are not competing in line with our motto “Recognising Participation and Celebrating Achievement”
From Year 3 – 8 and 9 – 12 Campus students are able to participate at an elite level. Students regularly represent the College at national, state and regional levels both in teams and individually.
Our College also encourages and participates in sporting competitions against other neighbouring Government and Catholic Education Schools. These include cricket, netball, football, swimming tennis and athletics.