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Office Hours:  8.30am – 4.30pm
PO Box 39, Yarrawonga  VIC 3730
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Starting School  – Ready or Not

Readiness for school is in itself an important factor for consideration before starting school, despite the responsive and adaptable programs that schools provide for children and the emphasis upon individualising learning for each child.

Readiness is not about schools just adapting and attempting to meet the needs of children. International research emphasises that certain areas of development and maturity are essential for children so that once at school, they are able to maximise the opportunities provided.

Social and emotional areas are the key areas of development that are most important for a child in regard to school readiness. This is in contrast to what many people believe – reading, writing and knowing colours or numbers are NOT readiness indicators.

Please find attached useful information as a guide prior to enrolling your child.

School Readiness

Oral Reading Checklist