8 – 12 Gilmore Street, Yarrawonga
Office Hours:  8.30am – 4.30pm
PO Box 39, Yarrawonga  VIC 3730
Ph: 03 5744 1751email

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VCAL Red Paper Clip Project


In groups of three or four our students have until Thursday the 20th of September to trade up their “red paper clip” which will be for us a College Pen.  The absolute maximum number of trades a student can have is Ten (10).  Students can do more than one trade per week, in fact strategically students may wish to do a lot of your early trades quickly to allow for communication and negotiation, logistics, delivery etc.

Traders who participate will be acknowledged. With a certificate detailing the trades involved with their College Pen.  Students must record your trades on the record sheet. These will be made public using our College web site to ensure transparency and acknowledge those people who became involved and supported the project.

Final Trade Up

The final trade up must be at School and securely stored by Thursday the 20th. Students can’t still be negotiating a trade or awaiting delivery. The Goods obtained will be advertised for sale on an appropriate trade site. (e.g. Yarrawonga Swap and Sell, or ebay.)  A reserve may be set.  The goods will be advertised and available for purchase for a period of three weeks. Any money generated will be distributed in the following way

50% to the Yarrawonga College p-12 School Building Fund.     25% to the Beyond Blue www.beyondblue.com.au.     25% to fund a workshop/field trip for the Yarrawonga College P-12 VCALPD group 2018 to celebrate their years growth during term four 2018.

Our project so far

The red paper clip project is starting to take off with some great trades. Listed below are the group’s most recent trades.  If anyone is interested in trading up for any of these items don’t hesitate to contact.

Eliza Hunter VCAL PD Student / Jim Gillies or Dean Barnes VCAL PD Teachers gillies.james.a@edumail.vic.gov.au , barnes.dean.f@edumail.vic.gov.au or
Kaz Mullavey  mullavey.karen.k@edumail.vic.gov.au

Phone: 5744 1751


Team Pinniger = Trade = School Pen
Team South = Trade = Silver Locket
Team Gilmore = Trade = Contemporary Mirror / Value $500
Team McLean = Trade = Secondhand Carlton Jumper / Value PricelessTeam Woods = Trade = Pandora Silver ring
Team McLeod = Trade = $20 Gift Voucher to Naked Tree Restaurant



Quoted from web page:

“Allow me to tell you about the “red paper clip” Project.

Kyle Macdonald exchanged a red paper clip for a fish shaped pen.

He bartered that for a doorknob — then continued to trade up in this way until he wound up with VIP passes to an Alice Cooper concert (+ an invite to personally party with Alice after the show.)

He exchanged those tickets for a paid role in a movie.

He swapped the movie role for a house.

Whoa! What did Ed just say?

It’s true…

That was actually his goal all along.

To turn a red paper clip into a house.

And he achieved it.

To this day people keep red paper clips attached to their computer screens to remind themselves “anything is possible”.”

Source: http://edlester.com/the-secret-of-the-red-paper-clip/