8 – 12 Gilmore Street, Yarrawonga
Office Hours:  8.30am – 4.30pm
PO Box 39, Yarrawonga  VIC 3730
Ph: 03 5744 1751email

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Year 7 Fees

Following the implementation of the new Parents Payments Policy for the beginning of 2022, schools are unable to create charges for what was previously labelled ‘Curriculum Support Levy’.

Yarrawonga College P12 has historically only requested payment for what would be ‘Extra Curricular Activities’.  Within the new policy, and as a result the following documents have been developed for each year level at our school.  These documents outline all requested contributions from parents, and in addition there is a one page overview of the new Department of Education Victoria’s Parent Payment Policy.

Students at YCP12 enjoy all of the activities which include Cultural Activities (incursions), many and varied Excursions, along with a variety of Sporting Activities, and with families contributing to the costs of these activities which are designed to enhance your child’s learning experience, we will be able to continue to provide these programs.

Please find below the documentation outlining requests for Parent Payments for Year 7 in 2022.

Yr 7 Family contributions 2022

*Please be advised that additional costs may incur throughout the year:  for example camps or additional excursions.

In an attempt to make education affordable for all families our school makes a conscious effort to restrict fees and charges, and accept payments in the form of:

  • electronic banking via BPAY or Funds Transfer: (Direct Entry Details: BSB 063537 Account Number 10138833 Quote your individual reference number from your statement or obtainable by contacting any of our three campuses)
  • cash, cheque or EFTPOS at our Administration Office in Gilmore Street.
  • call our office o n 5744 1751 and pay via credit card over the phone.

We also offer families the flexibility of payments in the form of:

  • payment in full at the start of the school year;
  • four instalments, due at the start of each school term;
  • payment plans on a weekly/fortnightly/monthly basis tailored to your individual financial needs;

We aim for all our students to experience the cultural and sporting events that our school offers, but we are not in a position to continue to incur charges for these events. Please ensure  additional charges such as Instrumental Music and Lap Top Insurances, if applicable, are paid in full at the start of the school year or if you have elected to pay by instalments, at the start of each term.

To view our Parent Payment Policy please click here.

If your child’s Curriculum Support Levy is not up-to-date before these performances/activities take place, they may not be able to attend.