Teaching and Learning
The Years 5-8 Campus of Yarrawonga College P-12 has a philosophy to provide education that is responsive and appropriate to the developmental needs of young adolescents. Our educational rationale is based upon an innovative 21st century learning model, our College’s strong values program, positive relationships and extensive student leadership opportunities. Our student’s education is characterised by a curriculum and pedagogy (teaching method) based on constructivism (where students ‘construct’ their own knowledge through experimentation, trial and error and research).
Positive relationships are the key to a successful schooling experience. Our College’s move to develop three learning environments, meaning fewer students at each campus, will only result in the ability for these relationships to grow and flourish. All three Yarrawonga College P-12’s campuses live by the values of Integrity, Respect, Honesty, Co-operation and Responsibility. Students are actively educated in these values which transpire to create a happy and safe learning environment for every student.
As students’ progress through to Year 7 English, Maths, SOSE (History/Geography), Physical Education & Health, Science and Information Technology are the core subjects.
Students begin to experience more regular sessions during the week where team teaching is the norm and their exposure to different subjects increase.
During Year 7, students participate in Visual Arts, Textiles, Home Economics, Wood Work, Metal Work and Music (students will learn three creative technology subjects each Semester). For more information on our Creative Arts and Design Technologies please click here.
Team work is still a focus as is the continued development of independent learners and critical thinkers.
Below is an example of a Semester 1 Year 7 Timetable. Semester 2 will change slightly as students are offered three different creative technology subjects.