8 – 12 Gilmore Street, Yarrawonga
Office Hours:  8.30am – 4.30pm
PO Box 39, Yarrawonga  VIC 3730
Ph: 03 5744 1751email


I am really proud of the team that we have at the 5-8 campus, all staff have high expectations regarding student learning and behaviour in the classroom and the yard. We expect all students to do their best. Our school values are displayed on the board and we expect all students to act with integrity and display the values of cooperation, respect, responsibility and honesty.

We have a unique opportunity to work with students in the 10-14 age group and all teachers here have an understanding of the needs of students in this age group and are passionate about working with them

During these ages there is significant brain development which involves remodelling of the brain. Children at this age really value positive relationships with teachers and peers, and also require clear boundaries and expectations as  the decision making part of the brain is being remodelled.  They are relying on a part of the brain called the amygdala in which emotions and impulses can determine decision making.  Our restorative process assists students with appropriate learning around decision making and actions.

As you may be aware students in this age bracket can experience a range of emotions and can become less independent and things that may seem small to you may be big to them so we work through this with them. Our positive education philosophy assists students to build skills in their academic and emotional learning.

If you are interested in enrolling your child at our College please do not hesitate to contact me on 5744 1751 or yarrawonga.p12@education.vic.gov.au.



Georgina Thomas
Year 5 – 8 Campus Principal